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Delete Linked Clocks
Show Linked Clocks
Delete Active Clock Links
Show Active Clock Links
Create Active Clock Link
Please select a clock and its setting in order to generate a shareable link for Active Clock.
Open Clock Group
Delete Clock Group
Create Clock Group
Export to Excel
All segments of the clock need to have a name.
After you enter a segment, you can disable the visibility of the text within the clock, and change the segment color and font by clicking the EDIT button.
Name - Color
Color - Name
Use this option if you want segment information appear as legend outside the clock area. Click on a position where you want the legend to appear.
Comments appear outside of the clock and any comments entered need to have a name.
After a comment is entered, you can change the time, text, font and colors of the text and the comment line by clicking the EDIT button. You can also decide whether or not to display the time outside of the clock and decide how long you would like for the comment line to extend outside of the clock.
Enter an image by clicking on the box where you would like for the image to appear.
You can change the size of the image area (the larger the number, the larger the image will be), or delete an image by right clicking on the box.
Enter text by clicking on the box where you would like for the text to appear.
You can change the size of the text area (the larger the number, the larger the text area will be), or delete text by right clicking on the box.
Here you can change the font, color and size of the pointer and start time of a segment. On the main screen, you can decide whether or not you would like to display the pointer and the time. You can also enter any additional text to appear next to segment start time.
Import Clock
New Image
New Clock
Open Clock
Saved Images
Active Clock - Delete Active Clock Settings
Active Clock - Open Active Clock Settings
Active Clock - Save Current Settings
Active Clock - Settings
Delete Clock
New Text
Change Size
Export as Image
Export to PDF
Save Clock
Generate Hyperlink